Agile is here to stay! The proof is that more and more organizations are embarking in their Agile transformation. The 14th annual State of Agile survey by VersionOne Inc. provides insights into the trends and state of Agile in 2020. The report includes the following data:
Increase in Agile adoption by Industry
More & more organizational areas implementing Agile
Continued reasons & benefits for adoption Agile
Most popular Agile Methodologies, Techniques & Tools
Many more…
To see details and download the report, click on the following link.
Here are the top 3 most impacting things we found on the report:
1. Culture is still one of the main blockers when adopting Agile
Surprisingly, organizational resistance to change is still the biggest challenge when adopting and scaling Agile. General organizational resistance to change, inadequate management support and sponsorship, and organizational culture at odds with Agile values remain in the top 5 challenges.
2. Cost reduction is not the only reason why organizations are turning Agile
Enhancing the ability to manage changing priorities, increasing productivity and improving business/IT alignment are some of the main priorities mentioned in the survey. It will be interesting to see how this changes as more companies out of the IT area start adopting Agile frameworks.
3. Top 5 recommended project management tools
Atlassian Jira
Atlassian JIRA Align